Connie KaplanAbout Dr. Connie Kaplan

In 1986 Connie was struck with a mysterious illness that sent her to bed for over 18 months, ending a successful career in television production. During the 15 hours a day she slept, characters more fascinating than any she’d met in Hollywood came to her and taught her the secrets of dreaming as a spiritual practice.   That experience led to the publication of her first two books, The Woman’s Book of Dreams and Dreams are Letters From the Soul. Subsequently, over the next 10 years, she had a series of mystical revelations which resulted in two more powerful books: The Invisible Garment and A Colorful Life.  Since the publication of The Invisible Garment – 30 Spiritual Principles that Weave the Fabric of Human Life groups have formed across the country to discuss the spiritual principles illuminated in the book.  Connie says, “I see my work as a continuum, the dream books and dream circles led to the experiences that created The Invisible Garment publication and to the grassroots groups that have sprouted up as a result.” Connie is neither a guru nor a channel. She is simply a powerful and popular spiritual instructor whose revolutionary information does not point toward the teacher, but rather toward the unique and genuine wisdom of the student. A wife of 35 years and the mother of 2 children and one step-child, Connie balances being a showbiz wife and a mom with her ever-growing practice.  As Connie says, “I don’t spend all my time in the ethers. Once I unintentionally booked a seminar on the day of the Emmy Awards where my husband was up for an award.  I simply changed in the ladies room at the seminar and got into the limousine.” Indeed Connie lives a balanced life; she is warm and grounded, making her message all the more accessible and powerful. Dr. Connie Kaplan holds Master’s degrees in Communications and Psychology and a Doctorate of Ministry.  She lives in Los Angeles, California with her husband.  Her all-grown-up children, while no longer living at home, are also in Los Angeles, so her motherhood continues, making her ordinary waking life as grounded as her spiritual life is expansive.

Welcome Message

Thanks for visiting  The main message of this work is this:  You are here to deliver a gift from the dimension of soul into the realm of form.  The purpose of this site is to help you remember exactly what that gift is, and to help you actualize that gift in your life. To that end, we’ve created a website overflowing with information.  My recommendation:  Bookmark it and visit it often in short spurts.  You’ll find many rich ways to deepen your understanding of your life purpose, and indeed the reason that humanity exists on Earth. First, take advantage of our initial offering of a brief overview of your own principles.  When you order this package (offered for a limited time at an extremely attractive price) you will send me your birth information, and I will send you a four page overview of your principles, their roles/importance in your life, their color, their evolutionary destination.  This power-packed package will open your eyes, jog your memory, and peak your curiosity! We’ve created a page for each principle (under 30 Spiritual Principles).  There you are invited to read a bit about each of the 30  Spiritual Principles, and you’re also invited to post comments and your experiences with each Principle – adding your own experience of each principle so that others may better see how it shows up in our lives. Also, there are podcasts, each about 30 minutes long.  They augment the definition and expression of each principle.  You’ll want to take your time listening to each of the principles in your invisible garment, and then hopefully you’ll listen to them all.   I often say that if you don’t have a principle in your garment pattern, you’ll find it in your parent’s, your sibling’s, your partner’s, or your children’s patterns.  Your were either born from it, you’ll marry it, or you’ll give birth to it!  So it’s eventually advantageous for you to know them all! Each year that I live with this cosmology, I discover nuances and subtleties to each principle.  To share some of those we have a free download called Conversations about The Invisible Garment Principles.  Please do take advantage of this FREE offer.  In addition we have created a Blog.  I’ll write regularly about ways to observe the principles at work in the world.  Be sure to subscribe to that! There’s more. . .and more. . .and more. Please enjoy the website.  Let each morsel of information jog your memory of Who You Are.  Learn to BE your principles and then trust that anything you are to DO will just show up to be done!

Read More About Connie’s Mystical Experiences