

Quantum Conversations

By |2017-03-30T09:23:56+00:00September 27th, 2016|Categories: Interviews|Tags: |

In this Quantum Conversation with Connie Kaplan we will learn... Our dreams are not necessarily about “us” – but rather they are metaphors describing a cosmic experience we have as our consciousness travels toward the lap of the Soul during sleep. Each of us is born bearing a specific “gift” that we are to deliver to humanity, and we can know what that gift is and learn the most efficient ways to deliver it! There are specific cosmic frequencies at work in you life and in your culture, which are primary influences in our journey toward the evolution of the New Being.

Open Minds with Regina Meredith

By |2017-10-13T00:12:27+00:00April 1st, 2016|Categories: Interviews|

Open Minds: Your Reason for Living with Connie Kaplan (April 2016) Season 6, Episode 19 Available worldwide Runtime: 1:03:05 Watch for FREE After a bout with a mysterious illness, Connie Kaplan was gifted with a unique understanding of the self and soul. This came with the message to help people resolve their misunderstandings of human incarnation and the evolution of the soul. Through a unique astrological system, based on this information, she now helps people to discover their reason for living by gaining a deeper understanding of the soul and its connection to the unified field of consciousness. This interview with Regina Meredith was originally webcast April 21, 2016. Raised in [...]

Charting Your Soul’s Purpose

By |2017-03-30T09:23:56+00:00March 25th, 2015|Categories: Interviews|Tags: |

Charting Your Soul's Purpose, Connie Kaplan & Sandie Sedgbeer Who am I? Why am I here? And what is my purpose?  For centuries, humans have looked to astrology and numerology to provide them with answers to these perennial questions. Now, the Invisible Garment provides the missing link between understanding the persona, gifts and potential of our present self, and uncovering the hidden gifts, knowledge, mastery, and true purpose of our Soul. In The Invisible Garment, Connie Kaplan outlines 30 spiritual principles that the fabric of human life and make up the body of our spiritual wardrobe—our spiritual DNA. Knowing which principles influence your life opens a door to the mystery of [...]

Awakening Zone Radio Interview

By |2017-03-30T09:23:56+00:00July 1st, 2013|Categories: Interviews|

Awakening Zone Radio Interview Are you a dreamer? Join me as I continue my conversation with experienced dreamer Connie Kaplan about her book The Invisible Garment. In The Invisible Garment, Kaplan has expertly lays out 30 spiritual principles that weave the fabric of human life and make up the body of a spiritual wardrobe—a person’s spiritual DNA. Through the principles, we learn how to maintain our spiritual garment for relationships to our self, our spouse, our children, our colleagues, our community, our planet, our life and our God. Couldn’t all of us improve on at least ONE of these relationships?